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From the Archives

Layered Rock Pattern

100 plus mph Winds Makes Adam's Job Interesting 11 18 2011

Saturday evening, November 12th, the winds picked up in Estes Park.  We have heard tales of winds clocked at 135mph that night.  The constant barrage of howling winds that whipped through the trees and around our house kept me wide awake for hours.  I lay in bed worrying about the tree our deck is built around and the large pine in front of the house that towers above our room on the second floor.  I lay there waiting to hear the snapping of branches and crashing noises ensuing if a pine tree succumbed to the fierce winds.  Eventually, after the doors were secured and re-secured, I fell asleep. I was lucky to have never heard those sounds of destruction.  Others were not so lucky.  The tree service line rang early the next morning, and people were calling for help.  Here is a video of Adam removing the first part of the pine tree that snapped in half and landed on the roof.  Today, he is out getting the rest of the tree off of the roof and trying to get to the rest of the people that called with wind-ravaged trees.

Some years ago I decided to chronicle my life as a working athlete. 

It is interesting resurrecting these old post and visiting with the youthful and optimistic me. 

What message would I tell the younger Melissa--simple "don't play with electricity."

I stopped posting with the accident -- turning my time to recovery and opening Bird & Jim. Pouring my words into  Exit Wounds.

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