From the Archives
EP2 and One Last Rodeo
Estes Park squared and one last rodeo
From Estes Park to El Paso to Estes Park, back to El Paso, and eventually back to Estes Park, but here in El Paso for a bit, without my love, Adam. So far, that has been my Hueco season with climbing in-between, Hueco Rock Rodeo work, Wagon Wheel Co-opt work, and since I went back to Estes, I worked at the Dunraven while I was home over the New Year (and, of course, some Tree Service book work too). My job is standard throughout the Hueco season (wagon wheel and the hueco rock rodeo), but the back and forth and being without Adam is not.
Our routine has been to work hard for 7-9 months and take the rest of the year off (off is relative to WWC, the Rodeo, and the tree service books). But this year, after we had survived the flood, Adam was awarded the tree contract for the town of Estes Park for the next five years. Adam is taking one for our team and sacrificing some Hueco time to get the operation rolling. Usually, I would be at home with him, but the Hueco Rock Rodeo and some land improvements—septic and electric!--have kept me in Hueco. Adam was supposed to be in Colorado for only a few weeks after I left with the dog and cat at Hueco, but sadly, he has been detained. It has been beyond strange being in Hueco without him—I miss him tons--and I have definitely felt a bit lost, but I have had plenty of Hueco Rock Rodeo work to keep me busy and friends at Wagon Wheel to climb with, keep me company, help with the Rodeo, help me dig ditches, run wires, erect our electrical pole, and install a gate.
For many reasons, I decided this year would be my last year organizing the Hueco Rock Rodeo. It is the 21st Hueco Rock Rodeo this weekend, and I have been fortunate enough to be involved with the event for the past three years. In 2012, I helped Emilia Brown with the ground operations and organized the event in 2013. Now, this year's Rodeo is Feb 14-16, 2014. It has been a great couple of years, and we are gearing up for another kickass event. It has been an incredible learning experience and a lot of work, and I already wear many hats. So it is time to take this one off, share anything I can, and pass it along to whoever is up for the job. A lot of time and effort goes into planning the Rodeo, but in the end, the community of Hueco makes this event come together. I would be lost without the long list of volunteers, guides, and athletes who make it all happen.
It has been a strange year, and this Hueco season just seemed to follow suit. Hopefully, the changes and sacrifices will lead to a long, peaceful season in Hueco next year for Adam and me, followed by a trip to Switzerland! But for my immediate future…the 21st Hueco Rock Rodeo—It looks like it will be a full event with 10 extra spots added this year and plenty of amazing athletes, climbing, and fun ahead! Thankfully, Adam is flying back down to Hueco to help me with the event and finish off the season!
Some years ago I decided to chronicle my life as a working athlete.
It is interesting resurrecting these old post and visiting with the youthful and optimistic me.
What message would I tell the younger Melissa--simple "don't play with electricity."
I stopped posting with the accident -- turning my time to recovery and opening Bird & Jim. Pouring my words into Exit Wounds.