From the Archives
The quest continues in search of new lines Lake Isabelle July 4 2012
The quest continues: Avoiding constructing in search of a Mecca
July 4, 2012
The road construction continued, and we switched our focus from battling the Bear Lake construction in RMNP to finding the next bouldering Mecca in our area. Staring at Google Maps, we focused on the Indian Peaks Wilderness area. After a few missions of beautiful hikes but failing to find this Mecca, we switched focus. We knew of boulders in the Brainard Lake area but felt there had to be more. The boulders that had already been discovered on the way to Lake Isabelle were good-quality rock but had average lines. We marched onward to a boulder approximately 4 miles in on the 4th of July. A single boulder at the glacier above Lake Isabelle is the gem of the area and the nugget spied on the maps. Mike Wickwire got the FA that day establishing Negra Modelo V10 that day.
Some years ago I decided to chronicle my life as a working athlete.
It is interesting resurrecting these old post and visiting with the youthful and optimistic me.
What message would I tell the younger Melissa--simple "don't play with electricity."
I stopped posting with the accident -- turning my time to recovery and opening Bird & Jim. Pouring my words into Exit Wounds.